The SmartMDSD Toolchain is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for robotics software to support system composition according to the RobMoSys approach.
It provides support and guidance for domain experts, component suppliers and system builders to apply the RobMoSys approach in order to profit from its benefits.
Read more about the organization of the RobMoSys ecosystem and learn more about the SmartMDSD Toolchain that enables you to apply the RobMoSys approach.
The SmartMDSD Toolchain has been using various Eclipse Modeling technologies. It started in 2009 with the Itemis Open-Architecture Ware (OAW), then between 2013 and 2016 used Xtext, Xtend and UML Papyrus and is currently moving towards using the latest Eclipse Modeling technologies based on latest Xtext, Xtend and Sirius plugins.