Despite snowfall and cold temperatures, experts from all over Europe came to Tampere, to discuss current social and technical topics in the field of robotics. Three full days of workshops, presentations and discussions, held by leading robotics experts from industry and academia, as well as representatives of the European Commission were hosted by euRobotics in the Tampere Talo Hall from March 13th-15th 2018.
The RobMoSys workshop took place on the second day of the Forum. Susanne Bieller from EUnited led through the workshop and welcomed the selected RobMoSys ITP projects of Call 1, which introduced themselves to the community.
Project coordinator Huáscar Espinoza, Christian Schlegel and Herman Bruyninckx presented the results RobMoSys has already achieved in the first year and explained how interested parties could participate, collaborate and contribute to the RobMoSys project.
The second half of the workshop consisted of an active Q&A session. We discussed the obstacles the RobMoSys community is facing, how RobMoSys and ROS overlap and who the expected users are. A large share of participants in our workshop had not yet been involved in RobMoSys before, they were very curious to hear about our community involvement instruments, such as workshops, summer schools, open source co-development of models and tools, etc.
If you were not able to come to our ERF workshop, don’t worry! We are planning more open workshops in the near future. If you would like to get involved in our next workshop, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Twitter or join our LinkedIn group.
You can find the presentations of our ERF workshop here.
Did you know?
Tampere is not only the third largest city of Finland and has a great conference centre Tampere Talo, it is also home to the World’s only Moomin Museum. A “robotized” Moomin welcomed all the visitors to the Tampere Conference Centre.