RobMoSys Closing Event
We will be hosting a virtual Conference on Software and Systems Engineering for Robotics which will also be the closing event of RobMoSys.
After four years of EU funding, the RobMoSys project is coming to an end, but research and development continue following the RobMoSys approach.
Members of the RobMoSys Core Consortium and other international guests from Bosch, ABB Robotics, MAN Truck & Bus and many reknown Universities have confirmed their participation.
What are the challenges intelligent systems are facing in the industry? What is the current status of model driven engineering and where are we heading to?
Whether you are interested in hearing the point of view of the industry or the insights of academic research – this is the conference to attend.
Follow discussion about the modularity and composability of software development in robotics, watch demos of the RobMoSys ITPs (Integrated Technical Projects) and learn about the digital challenges from various areas of the industry.
The conference will also allow breakout rooms for virtual newtorking or private meetings.
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