We are happy to announce a new release of Papyrus for Robotics, Version 0.8
The new release includes:
- better user guidance for the supported modeling views through a dashboard*
- tables for the specification of formal properties, assertions and contracts on components and system assemblies*
- integrated modeling and code-generation support for skill realizations and behavior tree execution
- several bug fixes and usability improvements
* in collaboration with the SafeCC4Robots Integrated Technical Project
With this release we provide a ready-to-use environment to develop ROS2 applications using Papyrus for Robotics. It comes with everything needed pre-installed, including the executable software stack to reproduce the simulated pick-and-place task performed by the collaborative robot arm Isybot. See video.
The complete tool documentation – inlcuding a list of FAQs and the procedure for reporting new bugs or requests – can be found in our Wiki documentation.
We are constantly reviewing and extending it, a new tutorial and examples will be added during the next few weeks. Stay tuned!