Overcoming those boundaries – was what this workshop at the European Robotics Forum was about.
The room was packed with more than 45 roboticists and software specialists who carefully listened to an introduction to the Model-based Software Engineering approach in RobMoSys by Ansgar Rademacher (CEA) followed by Dennis Stampfer from THUlm who explained how to improve your development workflow with the RobMoSys approach.
Alessandro di Fava from PAL Robotics then presented a few examples of real industrial settings by PAL Robotics and COMAU, who’s representant unfortunately was not able to travel, due to the coronavirus epidemic.
Some of the Integrated Technical Projects (ITP) which were selected in the second open call of RobMoSys also shared their latest results in model-based engineering:
- MROS – Metacontrol for ROS2 systems (Carlos Hernandez, TUDelft)
- MiRoN – QoS Metrics-In-the-loop for better Robot Navigation (Cristina Vicente-Chicote, Universidad de Extremadura )
- SafeCC4Robot – Safety Component Composition for Robots (Jabier Martinez, Tecnalia)
- CMCI – Composable Models for Compliant Interaction Control (Pouya Mohammadi, TU Braunschweig)
- EGCS – Energy-Guided Control Stacks and Robot-Software Architectures using Model-Driven Design (Jan Broenink, UTwente)
- ForSamara – Formal Safety Analysis in Modular Robotic Applications (Rathmair, Joanneum Research)
- COCORF – Component Composition from Real-time Function Blocks (Markus Klotzbücher, mkio)
The workshop closed with a very vivid Q&A session. Discussions continued after the workshop.
You can download all presentations of the workshop here