“RobMoSys: the next level of a Model Driven Robotic Software Ecosystem”
The first public RobMoSys workshop took place on March 22nd 2017 at the ERF in Edinburgh and was extremely well attended. More than 50 participants filled room Ochill 2+3 and did not leave one chair empty. Participants, who arrived later had to stand in the back of the room, until the interactive part began, where the crowd split into small groups to discuss different topics of interest.
After a warm welcome and introduction of the two new EU Horizon 2020 ICT26c projects RobMoSys and ROSIN by Anne Bajart from the European Commission, the open call peculiarities of the individual projects were outlined by Christian Schlegel from HS Ulm (RobMoSys) and by Mirko Bordignon from Fraunhofer IPA (ROSIN). Once the interactive part began, the community was asked to share their experiences and expectations in small groups, which focused on the following topics:
Table 1: Better Models, better Tools, better Systems: Building Blocks Supplier Perspective From the perspective of a building block supplier: how to make his building block composable and how to explicate and assure properties? Host: Herman Bruyninckx (KU Leuven)
Table 2: Better Models, better Tools, better Systems: System Builder Perspective From the perspective of a system builder who composes systems out of building blocks: How to express and assure relevant system-level properties? Host: Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm)
Table 3: Use-Cases, Scenarios and their Pain Points (Industry Perspective) What are Use-Cases/Examples that have an impact? Host: Francesco Ferro (PAL Robotics)
Table 4: Link between ROSIN and RobMoSys Q&A towards both projects and their relationship Host: Mirko Bordignon (Rosin, Fraunhofer IPA), Sara Tucci (CEA)
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this workshop a success! Further information on the outcome of the ideas and the open calls of RobMoSys will be continuously updated on the RobMoSys website.
Download the presentations of the workshop:
Anne Bajart (EC): “Towards an European Platforms Initiative?”:
Anne Bajart (EC): “Towards an European Platforms Initiative?”:
1 file(s) 440.33 KBSara Tucci (CEA), Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm): Presentation of the RobMosys project
Sara Tucci (CEA), Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm): Presentation of the RobMosys project
1 file(s) 4.96 MBMirko Bordignon (Fraunhofer IPA): Presentation of the ROSIN project
Mirko Bordignon (Fraunhofer IPA): Presentation of the ROSIN project
1 file(s) 481.38 KB