RobMoSys at the MODELS Conference in Copenhagen

The MODELS Conference (15.-19.October 2018, Copenhagen) covers all aspects of modeling – from languages and methods, to tools and applications. It is THE place to exchange cutting-edge research results and innovative practical experiences around modeling and model-driven software and systems. This year the RobMoSys consortium offered a half-day tutorial which was received with great interest…


Our Wiki is being updated constantly – follow the changelog

Did you know that the changelog lists recent changes to keep track as the RobMoSys consortium continuously publishes its results: The wiki was extended to describe examples of composition using the RobMoSys methodology: Management of cause-effect chains in component composition (one example of dealing with non-functional properties): Coordinating Activities and Life Cycle of Software…


RobMoSys at automatica 2018

If you are planning to visit automatica – the leading exhibition for Smart Automation and Robotics – in Munich from June 19-22nd, don’t miss these two RobMoSys talks:    IT2Industry Forum Thursday, June 21, 2018, 12:00 – 12:20 Blueprints for business friendly open source ecosystems in the industry Speaker: Gaël Blondelle, Eclipse Foundation Automatica Forum…


Getting started with Papyrus4Robotics

We are happy to announce the release of another model-based tool environment for robotics, compliant to the RobMoSys structures: Papyrus4Robotics developed by CEA and based on Eclipse. Take a look at the RobMoSys wiki page which contains a Get Started Guidance. The tool RCP includes an example to look at the basic modelling features supported…

papyrus4robotics robmosys