On February 7 and 8, RobMoSys invited four experts from the robotics domain to gather in Franfurt and provide their insights and perspective to the RobMoSys approach.
This was the first workshop of a series of Expert Workshops we set along the project lifetime to gather all the possible insights and knowledge (mainly from near communities and industrial representatives) to evaluate best-practices established in near and mature domains, and to identify current showstoppers that could arise in the robotics domain. This understanding is necessary to make sure that Open Calls will be prepared to provide concrete answers to the community, to finally overcome identified showstoppers and secure broad adoption.
For this first workshop, the Consortium invited experts, from relevant related domains, with a strong scientific background in the design of complex and critical systems, namely:
- Arne Haman (Bosch) from automotive and embedded systems
- Jan Broenink (University of Twente) mechatronic/cyber physical systems – hybrid simulation
- Saddek Bensalem (Verimag) cyber physical systems – formal methods
- Jurgen Bock (Kuka) Industrie 4.0 – ontologies, semantic technologies
The report of this workshop is now made publicly available: