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MODELS 2018 Copenhagen
October 16, 2018 @ 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS)
Meet RobMoSys twice at the MODELS2018 Conference:
Monday, October 15th:
9:00 a.m. Model-Based Robot Software Engineering (MORSE)
with Herman Bruyninckx from KU Leuven holding the Keynote
“The Role of Higher-order Models in Robotics and its Reasoning Challenges”
Find a description of the workshop here.
Tuesday, October 16th:
The RobMoSys Tutorial at MODELS 2018 conference:
RobMoSys: Better Models, Tools and Software for Robotic Systems
08:30 – 09:00 (20+10min) Christian Schlegel (Ulm University of Applied Sciences): Introduction to RobMoSys and how to get access into RobMoSys
- Benefit for participants: understand how models / MDSD / SWE and Pilot Applications converge as moderated by RobMoSys, what technical material is available and get aware that RobMoSys would like to see contributions from the MODELS community
09:00 – 09:30 (20+10min) Christian Schlegel (Ulm University of Applied Sciences): Modeling Principles and Modeling Foundations in RobMoSys
- Deep technical details of how we get from meta-models to concrete representations of software models, the various tiers in an ecosystem, the structure of Tier 1, the transformation into S/W models (see RobMoSys Wiki)
- Benefit for participants: understand how we organize models, tools, systems in RobMoSys and what kind of links we offer to other domains.
09:30 – 10:15 (45min) Alex Lotz, Dennis Stampfer (Ulm University of Applied Sciences): Eclipse-Based RobMoSys Tooling: SmartMDSD Toolchain Hands-On Session
- Very concrete hands-on session with the RobMoSys conformant SmartMDSD Toolchain to get a look-and-feel of a concrete robotics example (see http://robmosys.eu/wiki/baseline:scenarios:tiago_smartsoft)
- Tooling User-View: get insights into how model-driven software development in robotics looks and feels like; learn how to compose software components for navigation and run a mobile robot in simulation
- Tooling Developer-View: get insights into how you can bring in your modeling expertise and contribute via developing or extending model-driven tooling for robotics; see how we translate generic modeling into Ecore, e.g.
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 11:15 (20+10min) Huascar ESPINOZA (CEA List): Eclipse-Based RobMoSys Tooling: Papyrus4Robotics and Tooling Interoperability
- Practical information on the RobMoSys tooling alternative with a focus on tooling interoperability. (see https://robmosys.eu/wiki/baseline:environment_tools:papyrus4robotics)
- Concrete example for safety analysis with RobMoSys, in particular for composable scenarios
11:15 – 11:45 (20+10min) Herman Bruyninckx (KU Leuven): Modelling Motion, Perception and World Model Stacks
- Introduction into robotics specific models, robotic specific needs and challenges
- Benefit for participants: getting insights into robotic specifics needs and challenges
11:45 – 12:30 (45min) all, moderation: Christian Schlegel and Herman Bruyninckx: Structured dialog and discussion
- Structured dialog and discussion with the audience about what are challenges from the point of view of the robotics domain, what are the pain points from a robotics perspective and thereby learning about the views of the participants.
- Ending up with a mutual understanding of how to link to the robotics domain via RobMoSys, what would be nice to have from the MODELS community, what the MODELS community is ready to offer for the benefit of robotics.
All presentations are available in our download area