…at ERF 2017 in Edinburgh: 

( March 22nd-24th 2017 )

You will find us at the ERF on Wednesday March 22nd

at 2:00 p.m.

Success Stories” by the European Commission where the new H2020 robotics project within the SPARC strategy will be presented to the community – among them RobMoSys


at 4:15 p.m.

System Engineering” RobMoSys: the next level of a Model Driven Robotic Software Ecosystem

This workshop will set out the goals of RobMoSys together with experts from robotics and related fields. We will share our experiences with the audience and also seek feedback from the community. A World Café with open discussions will be conducted to address potential new partners from industry
and academia who want to contribute to a new European robotics software ecosystem.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Haven’t registered yet?  www.erf2017.eu

About the Workshop
: the next level of a Model Driven Robotic Software Ecosystem

The objective of this workshop is to design a new software engineering landscape, to harmonise robotics model specifications, establish a common open methodology for software development, improve tools and foster interoperability by model interchange and composability.

Note the focus on “model interchange”, which means that the project is not focusing, in the first place, on creating yet another software framework for robotics, but wants to improve the quality of any such software project by formalising its design and programming documentation into models, from which code (provided by the frameworks) can be generated, runtime composition of two or more robot controllers can be realised, consistency or correctness of system designs or robot task programs can be assessed formally, etc. The project does not strive to cover all aspects of robotics, but to generate close to perfect models and software for the core sensori-notor capabilities of robot systems of systems.

The seamless integration of diverse partners requires early involvement of experts of industry and academia, therefore the participants of the workshop are invited to discuss and contribute to the community needs, establishing specifications for the common robot functionalities (sensing, planning, control in the broad sense). This will be one in a row of expert workshops involving the robotic and software community to define the specifications and criteria of the Open Calls.

RobMoSys will drive the non-competitive part of building the eco-system aiming at turning community involvement into active support for an ecosystem of professional quality and scope.


Edinburgh, March 22nd – 4:15 – 5:45 PM – Room Ochill 2+3


16:15 Welcome Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm)
16:20 EC motivation and expected impact Anne Bajart (EC)
16:25 Introduction of the EU funded Research and Innovation project
RobMoSys and their particular funding scheme
Sara Tucci (CEA), Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm)
16:45 Introduction of the EU funded Research and Innovation project
ROSIN and their particular funding scheme
Mirko Bordignon (Fraunhofer IPA)
16:55 World Café with 4 groups of open discussions see separate tab
17:40 Wrap-up and next steps

Christian Schlegel, HSUlm

Anne Bajart, European Commission

Sara Tucci, CEA

Herman Bruyninckx, KU Leuven

Mirko Bordignon, Fraunhofer IPA

  • Better Models, better Tools, better Systems: Building Blocks Supplier Perspective
    From the perspective of a building block supplier: how to make his building block composable and how to explicate and assure properties?
    Host: Herman Bruyninckx (KU Leuven)
  • Better Models, better Tools, better Systems: System Builder Perspective
    From the perspective of a system builder who composes systems out of building blocks: How to express and assure relevant system-level properties?
    Host: Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm)
  • Use-Cases, Scenarios and their Pain Points (Industry Perspective)
    What are Use-Cases/Examples that have an impact?
    Host: Francesco Ferro (PAL Robotics)
  • Link between ROSIN and RobMoSys
    Q&A towards both projects and their relationship
    Host: Mirko Bordignon (Rosin, Fraunhofer IPA), Sara Tucci (CEA)

RobMoSys Presentation by Sara Tucci in EC Horizon 2020 projects session at ERF 2017:

Presentations of the RobMoSys Workshop at ERF 2017:

Anne Bajart (EC): “Towards an European Platforms Initiative?”:

Sara Tucci (CEA), Christian Schlegel (HS Ulm): Presentation of the RobMosys project

Mirko Bordignon (Fraunhofer IPA): Presentation of the ROSIN project

You will benefit most if you share your experiences or problems with the current code-centric robotic platforms and their expectations from a model-driven method and tools for engineering robotics system-of-systems.