Join our workshop on “RobMoSys: Better Models, Better Tools, Better Systems” at ERF 2018 in Tampere on March 14, 2018, 14:00 to 15:30 in the Systems Engineering track. The workshop will be in room Duetto 2.
The objective of this edition of the RobMoSys workshop is threefold:
- to present the selected RobMoSys Open Call 1 projects to the community
- to present the work that the project partners themselves have already realised in the first year of the project
- explaining how interested parties beyond RobMoSys and beyond funded RobMoSys Open Call 1 projects can participate, collaborate and contribute (participate in workshops, summer schools, embedding researchers in consortium partner labs, open source co-development of models and tools, getting feedback and suggestions from RobMoSys in other H2020 projects, etc.).
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
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