
Support of Skills for Robotic Behavior

This page describes how the SmartSoft World and the SmartMDSD Toolchain support Skills for Robotic Behavior.

This description is based on the SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.7.

Definition of Skills - Tier 2

The SmartMDSD Toolchain supports the developer in modelling skill definitions with an xtext DSL and the accompanying tooling. Skill definitions are modeled in Domain Model repositories projects, along with the other tier 2 models (see example in figure below). The component developer is able to use those definitions to realize the skills.

Realization of Skills - Tier 3 (Component Developer)

Using the modeled skill definition, the SmartMDSD Toolchain supports the role of the component developer to realize skills using an xtext DSL and the accompanying tooling. This skill realizations interact with the components and coordinate them using the components coordination interface (parameter, events, activation etc.), see example in figure below.


Robot Navigation Examples: moverobot

Example skills for robot navigation, i.e. moverobot and orientaterobot, can be found at:

Intralogistics i4.0 Robot Fleet Pilot

To see the skill support of the SmartMDSD Toolchain in action, please refer to Robotic Behavior in RobMoSys using Behavior Trees and the SmartMDSD Toolchain (MOOD2be ITP).

See also


baseline:environment_tools:smartsoft:smartmdsd-toolchain:skills:start · Last modified: 2019/05/20 10:52