The below list contains assets that are conformant to RobMoSys. Please click the links to find a “conformance sheet” that describes the individual level of conformance:
Conformance sheets are being prepared for the following assets:
The conformance of the following is currently being checked:
Conformance sheets are being prepared for the following assets. At the moment, you will find RobMoSys conformant assets via the RobMoSys Model Directory.
Here we collect approaches and methodologies that are not part of the RobMoSys composition structures but conformant thereto.
Conformance assesses and describes the degree to which a specific asset follows the RobMoSys methodology and approach. An asset can be tools, models, components or methodologies. An asset that is conformant to RobMoSys can use the conformance label (logo) to make its conformance visible.
The purpose of conformance to relate different assets in the RobMoSys ecosystem to the RobMoSys approach in order to create a “map” of the ecosystem. Conformance thus serves as a guide for users to choose the right assets for their task, role, or intended purpose of use.
The label can be used by any provider of an asset (e.g. authors, developers) that is listed on the RobMoSys wiki To find out how to apply for the conformance label, see below. An asset with incubator label means: the conformance of this asset to RobMoSys is currently being investigated/assessed.
Providers of assets can request to be listed on the wiki page. This will trigger the RobMoSys consortium to investigate and assess the conformance via its internal wiki publishing process. Please get in touch with us and provide a facts sheet of your asset following the conformance sheet template and structure in the above “List of RobMoSys Conformant Assets”.
Once you are listed on the “List of RobMoSys Conformant Assets” you are allowed to use the conformance label as follows:
Find below 100 and 150 pixel versions of the label for your website:
This section is work in progress: it will illustrate how to describe the conformance of assets.