Name | Description | Purpose | Vendor | Tooling | Status | Figure |
SmartCdlServer | Implements the Curvature Distance Lookup (CDL) algorithm for fast local obstacle avoidance. It considers the dynamics and kinematics of the robot, as well as its polygonal shape. | Navigation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
ComponentLaserObstacleAvoid | The SmartLaserObstacleAvoid component implements a simple reactive obstacle avoidance. | Navigation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
ComponentPlayerStageSimulator | The SmartPlayerStageSimulator simulates a robot in a 2D bitmapped environment using Player/Stage. It offers several services for controlling the robot, such as sending navigation commands, providing access to the robot's odometry and laser scans. | Simulation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
ComponentSymbolicPlanner | Provides a symbolic planner service. Works with ff, metric-ff (suggested) and lama. | Planner | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
ComponentTTS | SmartTTS is a component for text to speech (tts) synthesis. SmartTTS pipes speech output messages to stdin of an arbitrary executable. It is thus a simple wrapper for all tts applications that accept text via stdin, e.g. mbrola, festival or /bin/cat for debugging. | Text-To-Speech | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartAmcl | SmartAmcl implements the Adaptive Monte-Carlo Localization (Amcl) algorithm. Localization is based on a particle filter and a pre-captured grid map of the environment. | Localization | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartCdlServer | The SmartCdlServer is based on the Curvature Distance Lookup (CDL) algorithm for fast local obstacle avoidance. | Navigation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartGMapping | SmartGMapping implements GMapping for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). | Mapping | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartGazeboBaseServer | The SmartGazeboBaseServer can be used to command a robot in a 3D environment using the Gazebo simulator. | Simulator | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartJoystickNavigation | The SmartJoystickNavigation component takes joystick input commands (CommJoystick) and translates them to v/omega navigation commands (CommNavigationVelocity). | Navigation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartJoystickServer | The SmartJoystickServer provides access to input commands from a joystick via PushNewest communication pattern. The input commands are represented by x/y-value (as available) and an identifier for the button pressed. | Sensor-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartLaserLMS200Server | The SmartLaserLMS200Server makes laser scans from SICK LMS 200 and PLS langer rangers available. Scans can be requested by push newest or query communication. | Sensor-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartMapperGridMap | The SmartMapperGridMap provides mapping services based on occupancy grid maps. Laser scans are taken for building a current and a longterm map. | Mapping | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartPioneerBaseServer | The SmartPioneerBaseServer makes P2OS-based robot platforms available. It handles all the communication with the hardware. It offers several services for controlling the robot, such as sending navigation commands to the base and providing access to the robot's odometry. | Planner | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartPlannerBreadthFirstSearch | The SmartPlannerBreadthFirstSearch provides path planning services based on grid maps. It uses a grid map from a map building component (e.g. SmartMapperGridMap) and sends an intermediate waypoint as well as the goalpoint to the motion execution (e.g. SmartCdlServer). | Planner | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartRobotConsole | A simple coordination component using a console menu to configure software component for several simple scenarios | User Interaction | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
Yarp_BaseStateService | A mixed-port component that bridges between YARP and SmartSoft: This one is focussed on the BaseStateService for use with the R1 robot. | Navigation | CARVE | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | - |
Yarp_GridMap2D Component | A mixed-port component that bridges between YARP and SmartSoft: This one is focussed on the GriMap Service for use with the R1 robot. | Mapping | CARVE | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | - |
Yarp_LaserService Component | A mixed-port component that bridges between YARP and SmartSoft: This one is focussed on the Laser Service for use with the R1 robot. | Sensor-Access | CARVE | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | - |
Yarp_CommNavigationVelocity Component | A mixed-port component that bridges between YARP and SmartSoft: This one is focussed on the NavigationVelocity Service for use with the R1 robot. | Navigation | CARVE | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | - |
ComponentRobotinoBaseServer | The Robotino Base Server provides access to the robotino robot. It handles the communication with the hardware or the simulator. It offers several services for controlling the robot, such as sending navigation commands to the base and providing access to the robot's odometry. Position updates can be sent to the component to overcome odometry failures. | Actuator-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
ComponentLaserLMS1xx | The ComponentLaserLMS1xx makes laser scans from SICK LMS 1xx series available. | Sensor-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | Ready | |
SmartKinectV2Server | The SmartKinectV2Server captures RGB, depth and range images from the Microsoft Kinect. Undistorted images can be requested by push or query communication. | Sensor-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | InProgress | |
SmartObjectRecognition | A component for object recognition. | Object Recognition | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | InProgress | |
ComponentOpenRave | This component is based on the OpenRAVE framework. It allows to plan a trajectory to a given point with the specified manipulator. | Manipulation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | InProgress | |
ComponentSkillInterface | The ComponentSkillInterface provides an interface to call and execute skills as explained in Skills for Robotic Behavior. | Robot Behavior | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | InProgress | |
SmartRobotinoLaserServer | The SmartRobotinoLaserServer provides laser scans from the robotino SIM simulator or other scanners operated by robotino deamons. Scans can be requested by push newest or query communication. | Sensor-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRobotinoIRServer | The SmartRobotinoIRServer ir scans from the robotino platforms (and simulator). | Sensor-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRobotinoRPCBridge | The martRobotinoRPCBridge component is the interface component between the the robotino rpcd and the SmartSoft components. It is used to transfer data between the two system parts, e.g. the map as it is recorded by the SLAM component. | Mapping | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRobotinoImageServer | The SmartRobotinoImageServer provides images captured by a robotino daemon or the simulator. | Simulator | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartFestoFleetCom | The SmartFestoFleetCom is the interface component to the FESTO Fleet-Manager (MPS) | Planner, Navigation | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartFestoGripperServer | The SmartFestoGripperServer provides access to the FESTO gripper for Robotino3. | Actuator-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartFestoMPSDocking | The SmartFestoMPSDocking performs the docking/undocking of a Robotino3, equipped with a conveyer belt, to a FESTO MPS station. | Actuator-Access | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartMarkerTracker | The SmartMarkerTracker is capable of detecting visual markers and docking to MPS stations equipped with visual markers. | Object-Recognition | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartNavigationPlanner | The SmartNavigationPlanner uses ompl to perform planning for navigation. The component is used in the context of corridor based fleet navigation. | Planner | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartPurePursuitNavigation | The SmartPurePursuitNavigation realizes a pure-pursuit navigation, calculating velocities to follow a trajectory. | Navigation | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRobotinoBatteryChargerDocking | The SmartRobotinoBatteryChargerDocking performs the docking/undocking of a Robotino3 to a battery charger station. | Actuator-Access, Navigation | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRobotinoConveyerBeltServer | The SmartRobotinoConveyerBeltServer provides access the robotino3 conveyer belt, used to transport KLTs (small load carrier). | Actuator-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRobotinoMasterRPCBridge | The component is the interface component between the the robotino rpcd and the SmartSoft components. It is used to transfer data between the two system parts, e.g. the map as it is recorded by the SLAM component. This component is among the set of fleet coordination components. | Mapping | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartPathNavigationServer | The SmartPathNavigationServer is the coordinating component for corridor based local coordinated navigation with multiple robots in a fleet. | Planner Navigation | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartPathNavigationClient | The SmartPathNavigationClient is client component for corridor based fleet navigation. | Planner Navigation | REC | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
Sequencer | The Sequencer/SmartLispServer component is responsible for interpreting and executing the behavior models which are written in SmartTCL (Smart Task Coordination language). To execute the tasks, Sequencer orchestrates all the other components. | Robot Behavior | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | - |
SmartSimpleKB | The SmartSimpleKB component represents the knowledge base of the robot system. System wide runtime information is saved in the knowledge base. It contains the current state of the robot as well as application related information like the location of shelves, properties of objects and grasping strategies. | Robot Behavior | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | - |
SmartBoxDetection | The SmartBoxDetection component recognizes individual packaging boxes for partial commissioning processes. The required boxes are searched and recognized with the help of box dimensions and the defined storage area in the shelf. Subsequently, position and orientation of the recognized boxes are provided through the service. | Object Recognition | ZAFH Intralogistik | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRackDetection | The SmartRackDetection component recognizes the position and orientation of a shelf in which objects are arranged in an organized manner (A-Frame). Based on the pose of the shelf, the component calculates the position of the individual objects and provides this information through the service. | Object Recognition | ZAFH Intralogistik | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRealSensePersonTracker | The SmartRealSensePersonTracker component runs a person recognition algorithm on a RGBD data stream. The component can be configured to recognize one specific person in the image and calculate its position relative to the robot. This position can be used by the robot to follow this person. | Object Tracking | ZAFH Intralogistik | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartKinectV2Server | The SmartKinectV2Server component abstracts the accesses to color and depth data that was recorded by a Kinect (Xbox one) camera. For recognizing objects the component provides RGBD streams as well individual color or depth images. | Sensor-Access | ZAFH Intralogistik | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartRealSenseV2Server | The SmartRealSenseV2Server component abstracts the accesses to color and depth data that was recorded by a RealSense (D435) camera. For recognizing objects the component provides RGBD streams as well individual color or depth images. | Sensor-Access | ZAFH Intralogistik | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |
SmartURServer | SmartURServer component abstracts the accesses to a UR5 robot arm by encapsulating the communication with the hardware and making it easily accessible through services. | Actuator-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v3 | InProgress | |
SmartSchunkGripperServer | The SmartSchunkGripperServer component abstracts the accesses to a gripper from Schunk by encapsulating the communication with the hardware and making it easily accessible through services. | Actuator-Access | HSU | SmartMDSD Toolchain v2 | Ready | |